Have you ever seen a couple who have been married fifty years who almost look like brother and sister? How did that happen? You look at photos of their wedding day and they didn’t seem so similar back then. What changed?
Some fear losing their identities in marriage. But when you look at these long-married couples, they’re still who they are, and yet they reflect the image of the peson who has sat across the table from them all these years.
While who you are shouldn’t depend on the whims of the majority or the tyrannies of fashion or fitting in, most people are meant to do life in community with others. And so while you’re standing in your own shoes, your identity should also be defined by the relationships that matter:
Husband. Wife. Partner. Mother. Father. Son. Daughter. Friend. Coworker. Created being. Reflecting the image of your Creator.
When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. ~Genesis 5:1
(From 365 Devotions to Embrace What Matters Most; John Michalak)