The Ministry Site Profile team is gathering information from members of our congregation to help best describe First Lutheran. This feedback is a key component of the Ministry Site Profile, which will help a potential…
During this Sunday’s Congregational Discernment Gathering, we will ask questions of God and listen to him as we pray together and open ourselves to knowing God’s loving direction for us throughout our call…
Last week, representatives of the First Lutheran Welcoming Team happily presented van keys to the proud new owner, recently licensed to drive here. Recognizing that vehicle ownership is a major step toward self-sufficiency,…
During the month of June we will collect items to support the various living communities at Tabitha, such as Gracepoint. The Activities Director has provided the following list of items they would love…
We give our blessing and offer prayers to our elected delegates to the Nebraska Synod Assembly this week (Thursday-Saturday) in Kearney as they elect a new bishop – Les Carlson, Gene and Sherri…
Thank you to our property committee for EVEYTHING they do to make First Lutheran safe, clean and beautiful! This past week’s project…pouring concrete!
All are invited to a Service of Remembrance on Monday, May 30, at 10:00 am in the Chapel, followed by refreshments. In addition to the brief service, the Columbarium and Memorial Garden will…
Graduation from high school is just the beginning of the bright path that is filled with your dreams and hopes. You have worked long, hard hours for this goal. We congratulate you, Dalton…
Isn’t it funny how time passes by quickly, but a lot of our days sometimes end up looking the same? We go to the grocery store to get food for our family just…
Thank you to everyone who gave to the Ukrainian Assistance Fund in honor of our recent 150+2 anniversary celebration! We collected $5,474 (far exceeding our $1500 goal!) which will be matched by a…