Sundays in the Chapel 9:30-10:25 am February 2 – The Lighthouse – Pete Allman, Executive Director. The Lighthouse promotes the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of adolescents. It is a place for…
First Lutheran Church held its 150th annual congregational meeting today. Along with approving the 2020 budget, we elected leaders for the coming year. Thank you to all the faithful members who ran for…
This is our last week of the Souper Bowl of Caring campaign! Bring your donations of oatmeal and/or cereal to the Commons by Friday, January 31. This Sunday’s Noisy Offering will buy additional food…
Being a Guardian Angel is being a minister of presence. It means attending the juvenile immigration docket in Omaha to be the church present for children and families. Even though it is a…
Make plans to attend our annual congregational meeting this Sunday, January 26, at 12:30 pm. We will adopt a spending plan for the year, elect new leaders and evaluate and celebrate our ministry…
Our FaithTrek kids learning the books of the Bible. Can you name all the books? If not, ask one of our kids to teach you!
An estimated 18,740 children, age 18 and younger, who live in Southeast Nebraska are considered food insecure. Together, let’s work to end hunger with our Souper Bowl of Caring. Bring your chunky soups and…
In 1930, First Lutheran purchased a church building from Plymouth Congregational at 17th & A Streets. It was a large church with seating for 400 and many private Sunday School rooms. It had…
Every Wednesday evening from 7:10-8:00 pm during the school year our Adult Choir meets for rehearsals. They also sing at worship two Sundays a month. We are thankful they each share their time…
Where is God taking you this year? We celebrated Epiphany by remembering the journey of the Magi. They saw the star, packed for a long journey and traveled through unknown lands until the…