At First Lutheran, we understand ourselves as disciples, students of Jesus in constant training throughout our life. In other words, we are lifelong learners. As we mature and grow wiser through lived experiences,…
The FaithTrek kids will continue their Epiphany journey by exploring options on how they can “participate” in the work God calls us to as disciples. “Participate”, our February word of the month, means…
Save the date! “God’s Good Creation” Vacation Bible School is coming June 17-21 from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Preschool age will gather each day from 9:00 am-Noon. More information will be coming soon or…
Some of our 2nd graders had fun with their Epiphany lesson in FaithTrek by dressing up as characters in the Epiphany story for their “photo booth”!
Meet our newest members who will be joining us at the Communion table…theses children completed their first Communion training on Saturday!
Our FaithTrek kids are learning The Discipleship Song one verse at a time. They mastered the first verse and just recently learned the second verse! Can you sing along and do the actions…
God’s people seem to always be on a journey. Sometimes it is a physical journey, like the journey to the promised land or Bethlehem, and sometimes it is a journey of the heart….
Community is the October word of the month. It’s a word we use a lot in the church, but not one that is necessarily part of a preschool or elementary age child’s vocabulary….
Our music director, Masako Bacon, wrote “The Discipleship Song” for our FaithTrek kids to sing. Becca Simley leads music on Sunday mornings and has been teaching the words and sign language to the…
Disciples of all ages learn. Come this Sunday between 9:30-10:30 am, if you are 3 years old, a Senior in high school or any age in between, as a new year of learning…