It was a busy, exciting and fun day at First last Sunday! Our new learning year for kids, ages 3-high school, kicked off! Our nursery coordinator, Erin Pfister, led a vibrant group of…
Calling all kids, ages 3 through high school! Our Sunday morning learning hour will begin a new year on Sunday, September 10, from 9:30-10:30 AM. We are even adding an additional FaithTrek classroom…
During the summer, 13 high schoolers, 6 middle schoolers and 6 adults from First Lutheran went on accompaniment trips to Florida, Denver and Wisconsin. They sorted food for local food pantries, cleaned parks…
Our high schoolers wrapped up a week of service in Denver yesterday and are heading home today. They ended their week helping with the Colorado Special Olympics and worshiping with the 150+ other…
Yesterday in Denver our high school youth helped with cleaning up a park, visited the Denver Museum of History and went to an amusement park! It was a full day for the 150+…
Our high school team who are in Denver this week on a Synod-wide mission trip had a great first day of service yesterday. Cora Hoeft offers this summary of Tuesday’s highlights… Today…
Our high school youth made it to Denver yesterday for their week of service, worship and fellowship! Here’s what they shared: The bus ride was long but fun! When we got to the…
We have three high school youth and one adult heading to Denver by bus today with other youth from across the Nebraska Synod for a week of service. They will be doing a…
Our team of high schoolers and adults are on the road heading back home to Lincoln from their week of accompaniment in Florida. They will be home early afternoon on Sunday. Pray for…
An update on Wednesday’s happenings with our high school youth and their accompaniment work in Florida… Sharon Hardel, Director of Youth & Family Ministry at First, offers insight into their work on…