Enjoy our Adult Choir singing, “By God’s Mercy,” during Sunday’s worship service. It’s awesome to see an even bigger choir this year after two years of COVID-related restrictions! And, how wonderful is…
This Sunday’s Noisy Offering will benefit the People’s City Mission in Lincoln. In 2021, the Mission served 27,000+ people, provided 99,000+ meals, gave away more than 1 million household and clothing items, provided…
First Lutheran is blessed to have so many talented musicians who share their gift of music with us during worship on Sunday mornings. The Niebuhr triplets have been doing this from the youngest…
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) visit parishioners who can no longer attend church regularly and would like a visit from someone like you! LEMs bring the consecrated bread and wine from Sunday worship and…
Last weekend, Pastor Suzanne How’s sermon reminded us that our commitment to following the example of Jesus is anything but conflict-free. It’s counter-cultural. There’s discomfort, stress and even division involved. So we anchor…
Last Sunday was the first time since March of 2020 we had a full jazz band play for worship! They were the last musical group to play before we closed the church building…
Zachary Bushard, one of our young members, sings this beautiful song, Keep Your Lamp, during worship.
We all know that gifts of quilts are special … both for the giver and for the recipient. That’s why First Lutheran Church quilters have had a busy year making quilts for Lutheran…
This next year with the Young Adults in Global Mission program, in conjunction with Time For God, First Lutheran member, Shelby Riedman, will be going to Edinburg, Scotland. She will be working with…
Looking for an important volunteer opportunity but don’t have a lot of extra time? Please consider joining First Lutheran’s Backpack Team. It only takes about 15 minutes on a Friday afternoon and you can…