Do you have questions about how things will flow when we move back into the Sanctuary for worship, starting Palm Sunday? Where will the communion cups be washed? Where are the robes? Will…
Following the powerful and destructive tornado that ripped through central Tennessee, at least 24 people have been killed, homes and other buildings have been destroyed, and thousands of people are without electricity. Given…
Millions of people in South Sudan have been impacted by the ravages of civil war and famine. You may have heard about the situation from First Lutheran members at the Gifts of Hope…
Showing support for disaster impacted communities is a longstanding standard and tradition in our national and Lutheran history. As lawmakers discuss an appropriate response, now is the time to tell your representatives to…
Lent will soon be here and we will be serving a light meal following the Wednesday noon Lenten worship service and starting at 5:30 pm prior to the Lenten gathering at 6:30 pm….
We are excited to announce that our Transportation Ministry is up and running! If you need a ride to medical and other appointments or to a church service or activity, we would like…
Know someone that could use a boost? Consider sharing a prayer shawl with them. Prayer shawls, made by First Lutheran members, are available to share with anyone. Shawls are located in the cupboards…
Need a gift for Valentine’s day? Stop by and check out some of the new Fair Trade chocolate flavors. When you choose Fair Trade chocolate, you are being kind to yourself, your body…
This is our last week of the Souper Bowl of Caring campaign! Bring your donations of oatmeal and/or cereal to the Commons by Friday, January 31. This Sunday’s Noisy Offering will buy additional food…
Being a Guardian Angel is being a minister of presence. It means attending the juvenile immigration docket in Omaha to be the church present for children and families. Even though it is a…