Contact if you would like to be an usher at either 8:15 or 10:45 am Sunday worship. You can also sign up on First Lutheran’s website or call the church office at…
This year the Lincoln Food Bank is hosting a summer lunch program at several elementary schools and they are looking for volunteers to help serve these meals. The specifics of this program are…
Wednesday’s Disciples… Our middle school youth are cutting out patterns for shoes from old blue jeans to be sent to Uganda as part of the SoleHope Project. Cobblers and tailors from Uganda…
All good gifts come from God! Let us gather our gifts and love of music together. Short-term commitment summer opportunities are available for all ages: Orff , handbell, brass, wind, string or vocal…
Vacation Bible School needs lots of helpers! If you are available to lead children and/or enjoy crafts, music, games, teaching Bible stories, acting, cooking and baking, composting or other…
Our flood relief items were taken to a Salvation Army distribution center in Bellevue. Thanks to all for the sharing. This is a long term relief project. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Relief…
Our Noisy Offering from this past Sunday will be given to the Lutheran Disaster Relief Fund to support flood relief efforts. Thank you to the children, families and everyone who gives and makes…
How would you sculpt the words “vulnerability, donor, service, privilege or inclusivity?” At our Accompaniment Training 102 on Sunday, participants partnered with one another – one was the clay and the other was…
A big thanks for all your tangible donations for flood victims. We will see that items are shared with those in need. Relief workers report they are flooded with donations, some are just…
The middle school youth will be doing an in-house service project April 28 during the Sunday morning learning hour. They will be cutting out patterns for shoes from old blue jeans to be…