In 2018, our quilts went to Lebanon and our school kits were shipped to Lebanon and Senegal. Our gifts are just a few of the many ways Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is providing…
The Lutheran Food Pantry purchases many items needed for the emergency food boxes they pack from the Food Bank which is experiencing low donations at this time. The Pantry is in great need…
Did you know there has never been snow reported on the day of the CROP Walk in Lincoln? Snow did not stop our CROP Walkers from showing up and walking for those who…
Tonight First Lutheran Church will be honored by Lutheran Family Services (LFS) as the “Community Partner of the Year.” We are surprised and humbled by this award. It recognizes our partnership with LFS…
Have you completed your personal discipleship plan yet for 2019? Even though Stewardship Sunday came and went this past weekend, it’s never too late to think about how you can grow your discipleship…
Your generosity and caring spirit during our Kicks for Kids campaign will provide 180 kids in our community with shoes and socks this week. Eighty one people personally purchased a pair of shoes while 99…
by Michelle Hixon; Life Enrichment Assistant with Tabitha What music means to us… Music means getting up and dancing, rocking back and forth or swaying to the rhythm. Music means reflecting on times…
by Cindy Lilleoien People’s City Mission has for over 100 years been helping struggling folks get back on their feet. Among services that include housing the homeless in a west Lincoln location, the…
First Lutheran will once again be providing students in need with new athletic shoes and socks. We are partnering with Waverly, Eagle, Prescott, Pyrtle, Sheridan, McPhee and Mickle schools. Look for the Kicks…
All ushers and interested persons are invited to a CRISIS GO training session on Sunday, September 30, from Noon-2:00 pm. CRISIS GO is our phone app that contains all of our emergency action…