Our “Traveling With the Wisemen” God’s Work Our Hands Mini Cross Generational Vacation Bible School on January 2 and 3 offers you and your family time to be in community with other First…
Every penny spent this past weekend at First Lutheran Church’s annual Gifts of Hope Alternative Giving Market left the building to support the work of 16 trusted local, regional and international partners. In-person…
WE DID IT, FIRST LUTHERAN!! Not only did we meet the 500 Can Challenge from Thrivent, but we also broke last year’s record of 1,115 food items! Your generosity and kindness resulted in…
We are in our final week of the 500 Can Challenge for the Lutheran Food Pantry and we have collected over 1,000 food items! WOO HOO! Meeting the challenge means the Food Pantry…
The community is invited to participate in First Lutheran Church’s annual Gifts of Hope Alternative Giving Market, where every penny leaves the building to support the work of 16 trusted local, regional and…
The holidays aren’t merry and joyful for everyone. They can bring feelings of sadness, loss and emptiness and for many different reasons. If this is how you or someone you know is feeling about…
First Lutheran’s connections with Border Servant Corps (BSC) is easy as 1…2…3! In 2017, First Lutheran became an AMMPARO Congregation in the ELCA network, committed to Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation…
Our middle and high school youth worshiped at the Lutheran Center on the UNL campus on Sunday. After worship they made a baked potato bar for them and the UNL students to enjoy,…
We have an update on the 500 Can Challenge for the Lutheran Food Pantry after week two! Are you ready? Drum roll, please! WE HAVE COLLECTED OVER 418 ITEMS! We are so close…
We are fortunate at First Lutheran to have amazing members – of all ages – who give of their time to sing in the Adult Choir at worship. It’s never too late to…