We are Better Together when we are in relationship with our loving God and Savior and when we are in relationship with one another. The stories we share with one another is…
“Good works are all for the sake of our neighbor. When it comes to God, it’s a different ball game. God does not keep score.” Hear more Good News in Pastor Erin Heidelberger’s…
“How will you be salt and light in the lives of your neighbors this week? Worship has ended. Now the service begins!” Vicar Erick Hill’s weekend sermon on Matthew 5:13-20 will get you…
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Where? Watch as we sing a favorite camp song in worship as if we were singing it at camp!
What’s ministry like in your daily life? “God puts us in each other’s paths so that we can extend God’s mercy. When we take time to listen to someone, we remind them that…
Epiphany is truly a season of “Aha!” moments in the midst of cold and darkness. Listen as Pastor Erin Heidelberger preaches about “a mercy that is not an imaginary mercy”.
“What’s your Welcome Story? Someone, at some point, told you in words and actions that you belonged, that you were accepted, that you were part of something. Perhaps it was you who extended…
The 12 Days of Christmas are now over and the sights and sounds of Christmas at First Lutheran in 2022 will be another chapter added to our beautiful, storied past.
Speaking of resolutions, “God resolves with purpose and intentionality to be FOR you. God is faithful to you even when you are faithless and is devoted to you even when you find yourself…