If you wonder what God’s will is for you, look around. Most often, his answer lies not in a distant place or time, but rather right where you are standing right now. …
Our online sign-up for worship assistants in June is now live. We welcome all ages, as well as individuals, couples and families! Every worship role is important and helps our worship services to…
Please join us in celebrating our 2021 high school graduates at the baccalaureate service tomorrow, Sunday, May 23, at 6:00 pm, in the Sanctuary. Our 2021 class includes Hailey Condreay, Ethan Cotter, Madelyn…
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) He declared his love for me in front of his friends, and it melted my…
Some of our FaithTrek kids and families gathered on Sunday to learn how to serve as worship assistants in various roles. They are so excited and eager to serve! Look for some of…
Our weekly Saturday night worship service at 5:30 pm is resuming this weekend. Services will be held in the Sanctuary to allow us to maintain distance between households and take advantage of the…
Ask God to be part of this time. Using colored pencils, crayons or markers, write your name for God on a piece of paper. Draw shapes or pictures around it or just start…
Our Easter Vigil began in the darkness of our Memorial Garden with the lighting of the new flame and was then brought into the darkened Sanctuary in preparation of our Easter Festival worship…
“God, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) The crucifixion – this part of Jesus’ story – is horrible, like any murder is horrible. And it is unjust, like…