Tuesday’s Faith Thought… Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk with him. ~ Colossians 2:6 Have you ever heard of the expression, “Godspeed?” The meaning is, “God go with you.”…
Our Lenten experience this year will address the convergence of many interesting realities and opportunities. We will prayerfully ask some challenging questions. Lent is a time of prayerful examination of ourselves and our…
This month our Confirmation Dinner+Learning group have been focusing on their ideal faith futures. They learned that to have the faith future they most want it will require four things: 1) Vision –…
Every Wednesday evening from 7:10-8:00 pm during the school year our Adult Choir meets for rehearsals. They also sing at worship two Sundays a month. We are thankful they each share their time…
Where is God taking you this year? We celebrated Epiphany by remembering the journey of the Magi. They saw the star, packed for a long journey and traveled through unknown lands until the…
Do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Rejoice that I am continually working newness into your life. I am a God of unlimited creativity; expect me to…
Do you still have your Star Gift for 2019? In worship Epiphany weekend (back in January of 2019), Sunni talked about gifts. Everyone was invited to take a Star Gift out of…
On Sunday morning congregational members of all ages went on an Advent journey together. They journeyed with their eyes, ears, hands, nose and mouth. They visited Joseph, Mary, Zechariah and Elizabeth, John the…
Join us Sunday, December 15, in the Activity Center at 9:30 am to go on an “Advent Journey”. Journey throughout the building to experience and reflect on the stories leading up to Jesus’…