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Members of First Lutheran Elect New Leaders at Annual Meeting

By January 29, 2023News

Thank you to everyone who agreed to being a 2023 candidate for an elected position at First Lutheran Church. The Nominating Committee did an outstanding job of delivering a slate of well-qualified candidates for the four ballots at our annual meeting today. Special thanks to those who served on the committee – Tera Beermann, Sandy Latshaw, Norm Kempf, Jim Sandman, Barb Johnson-Frank, Eunice Fisher and Council liason, Lee Rockwell.

Here are the voting results:

Church Council 

Dave Pfister

Judy Batterman

Scott Williamson

Rod Johnson

Emily Sears

Amy Harrison (two-year term)

Following the annual meeting, the Church Council elected the Executive Committee for 2023: Lee Rockwell, President; Amy Harrison, Vice President; Judy Batterman, Secretary; and Scott Seebohm, Treasurer.


Nominating Committee

Steve Eicher

Carlene Falos

Gene Cotter


Synod Assembly Delegates

Kari Hoeft

Jay Sears

Clay Ehlers

Verdell Bohling

Barb Monson


Endowment Board

Ann Carlson

First Lutheran

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