The first week of Dimensions daycare and preschool at First Lutheran has come and gone and they are already into their second week! Here is a recap of a few of the wonderful…
Consider purchasing coffee that is fairly traded. Much coffee for sale in stores passes through a long supply chain between the producer and the buyer. Consequently, the farmer who grew the coffee does…
Sometimes we struggle to accept the “bad” things in our lives. We want to rail at God and we wonder why God has placed such a burden on us. The Welcoming Prayer can…
It’s time for another surprise video! But, as always, we need YOUR help! It’s as simple as this… Think about what you are most grateful for today. Grab some paper or poster board…
We are so excited that our learning year is about to begin! Although our learning will begin online we still have plans to learn and grow together. Please fill out the 2020-21 registration…
The sod has been laid and the landscaping work outdoors is almost complete. Now, it’s up to the sprinkler system to nurture and care for it during the hot days! The outdoor areas…
Singing and wind instrument ensembles have strict limitations due to potential air-borne contamination of coronavirus. Until further research on the aerosol spray issues, these groups will need to seek their ministries in different,…
A blessing is a thank you, a wish, a dream, a message of hope, an acknowledgement of joys and sorrows, a celebration, a passing of time, a gathering of people and thoughts, a…
Our Outdoor Nature Classroom is almost done in preparation of Dimensions daycare and preschool opening at First Lutheran on Monday, August 10. We will welcome eight infants and 16 toddlers when the doors…