First Lutheran will once again be providing students in need with new athletic shoes and socks. We are partnering with Waverly, Eagle, Prescott, Pyrtle, Sheridan, McPhee and Mickle schools. Look for the Kicks…
All ushers and interested persons are invited to a CRISIS GO training session on Sunday, September 30, from Noon-2:00 pm. CRISIS GO is our phone app that contains all of our emergency action…
Sundays at First Lutheran offer learning opportunities of all kinds and for all ages. One learning experience is our English Language Learning ministry. Faithful First Lutheran mentors meet for one hour every Sunday…
First Lutheran Church has a long and rich tradition of active involvement in the Lincoln/Lancaster County CROP Hunger Walk. Beginning in 2018, First Lutheran is privileged to serve as the host site for…
Disciples of all ages learn. Come this Sunday between 9:30-10:30 am, if you are 3 years old, a Senior in high school or any age in between, as a new year of learning…
by Michelle DeRusha Not long ago, I took it upon myself to edit the words of the Lord’s Prayer. That’s right: I rewrote the prayer written by Jesus himself. It wasn’t a complete…
First Lutheran will once again be providing students in need with new athletic shoes and socks. We are partnering with Waverly, Eagle, Prescott, Pyrtle, Sheridan, McPhee and Mickle schools. Look for the Kicks…
No matter which worship service you attend at First Lutheran, you will experience many different forms of music and from all ages. First Lutheran has a rich tradition of worship music and it…
The September signup for worship assistants is now available online. We will continue to schedule with individuals signing themselves up, rather than auto assign. So, please help by signing up as a volunteer when…
Why do we sing? Why do we have choirs? Music might not be your thing, but singing is not all about music. We gather our voices in praise and thanksgiving. Singing in a choir nurtures…