“Don’t you care, God?” The disciples’ frantic plea echoes in our struggles to make sense of life’s storms today. Find hope and God’s peace in Pastor Erin Heidelberger’s sermon.
Sunday Update from Our Middle Schoolers! We made it to Louisville, KY, had a pulled pork dinner, had opening worship, got to know our leaders better and even played some basketball. We…
8 hands + 2 pianos + 4 talented pianists = A beautiful prelude for yesterday’s worship service (Brandenburg Concerto No. 3-Movement I; J.S. Bach)
This morning six middle school students and four adults left to embark on a week-long accompaniment trip to Louisville, KY. They will volunteer at over 15 different organizations, engaging in various service activities…
Our last day of VBS was so much fun! Our theme verse was from Romans 15:2 “Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor.” We…
It’s day four of VBS and our theme verse is “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears God and does what is right is acceptable…
It’s Day 3 of VBS and today we learned that God’s love casts our fears. Our theme verse is “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” (1 John…
Thank you to everyone who joined us at Don & Millie’s last Wednesday evening for dinner to help fund the summer youth trips. These photos offer just a glimpse of the many First…
Today at VBS, our theme was “Shine Your Light,” centered around the verse from Isaiah 58:10: “Feed the hungry and help the troubled. Then your light will shine through the darkness, making it…
Pastor Andrew Kitzing’s sermon is a mini-lesson on why Lutherans don’t take the Bible literally, but do believe fully in God’s grace. You’ll find orchid seeds, spindly mustard plants, puzzled sowers and God’s…