Our accountant, Bryan Hanson, presented financing options for our proposed Welcoming and Accessibility Building Project on Sunday. This was the last of two Q&A sessions held leading to a congregational vote this Sunday…
As I promised, this Weekly Word will provide a summary of our financing plans for the building project, should we vote to move ahead. At the Q&A session on Sunday, our church accountant,…
A great time was had by all at the First Lutheran “Night at the Saltdogs” Friday evening! Good food, beautiful weather, fun company and big fireworks made up for the Saltdogs loss!
Bring your friends and families to the 30th Anniversary of the CJH Camp Quilt Auction this Saturday, July 28, at the Carol Joy Holling Camp, Conference and Retreat Center in Ashland, NE! The…
Today, thirteen high school youth, along with Kent and Sharon Hardel, left for an accompaniment mission trip in Kansas City. During the week they will be serving at Food Shelves, doing beautification projects and…
The beginning of a new school year means the beginning of a new learning year at First Lutheran! Mark your calendar with these important learning dates: BackPack Blessing – August 18 & 19;…
Thank you to Molly Goninan and her father, Andrew Morrow, for creating our new wall art display between the Activity Center and Chapel. Stop for a moment to look and appreciate each piece…
Tuesday’s Faith Thought… A full schedule does not make a full life. Ultimately, it’s time with people – listening, talking, helping, giving, receiving – that makes a full and satisfying life. Without strong,…
The high school youth and adults that attended the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston and who will attend the accompaniment trip to Kansas City next week will give a presentation to the congregation…
Jesus is on the loose! In the past weeks, Flat Jesus has been with First Lutheran disciples at work, the Nebraska Synod Assembly, on vacation in New Mexico, with kids at Carol Joy…