When we hear about Women of the ELCA at First Lutheran we tend to focus on the three women’s Bible Study Circles, but actually, all women are part of the Women of…
Just when you thought the crowds couldn’t get much bigger at our First Friday Jazz concerts, the January 5 concert attendance broke all records! The Camille Metoyer Moten combo brought in over 300…
What does it mean to GO? We know the Wisemen were told to GO find Jesus. The Wisemen were told not to GO back to Herod. Jesus told the disciples to GO to…
You need a pass to get out and it can be denied at any moment. You get only 20 hours per month for religious purposes. If you get a job outside the Correctional…
We have a God who journeys with us and calls us to do the same as we are in ministry with others in the world. When we intentionally include prayer and learning components…
First Lutheran is a member of the AMMPARO-Network of Welcoming Congregations to immigrants and their families no matter their document status. The Nebraska and Western Iowa Synods are partnering together to work…
Help contribute food to our neighbors who are hungry during the Souper Bowl of Caring campaign, coordinated by our high school youth, and our Noisy Offering on January 7! While any non-perishable food…
The congregation is invited to join FaithTrek students, middle and high school youth, the Spirit Ringers and choirs for a Christmas Celebration next Sunday, December 17, at 9:30 am in the Activity Center!…
Join us for Christmas Eve and Day worship services! A candlelight worship with Holy Communion will be offered on Christmas Eve at 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary. A beautiful candlelight…
Thanks to Global Mission in Action for hosting the Gifts of Hope alternative market on December 2 and 3 and to each person involved. What a gift to be able to give $10,000…