Since 2018, our Noisy Offering donations have totaled $6,052.83! If you wonder whether your loose change (or dollar bills) make a difference each month, stop wondering! Your donations have and do make a…
Ready, Set, Go! In the Great Commission, Jesus calls us to GO. At First Lutheran and throughout the Nebraska Synod, we are taking those words to heart. Together, all 90,000 of us, will…
Are you worthy of claiming your place in heaven? Think about your answer to this question and then listen to Pastor Dennis Rock’s message of hope, grace and love.
Planning is underway for our second All-Church Retreat on Saturday, September 9! We had a great time together at last year’s retreat—our very first— (just browse through the photos below and see for…
Mark your calendar for Sunday, August 13, from 9:15-10:30 AM, when we celebrate Vicar Erick Hill. Erick has served as our vicar this past year and his last day as vicar at First…
During the summer, 13 high schoolers, 6 middle schoolers and 6 adults from First Lutheran went on accompaniment trips to Florida, Denver and Wisconsin. They sorted food for local food pantries, cleaned parks…
Our summer worship music at First Lutheran has included vocal and instrumental solos and duets, a family choir, jazz ensembles, piano and organ duets, string ensembles, “eight hands on the piano” and this…
“Simul Justus et Peccator!” Listen in as Vicar Erick Hill’s Latin lesson frees you to connect, serve and work for justice.
The vegetable, herbs and flowers members planted in the Outdoor Classroom on Family Planting Day in June are growing and producing! The Las Abejitas Bilingual Education Center is using the produce for their…
Our middle schoolers and adults at Camp Wapogasset’s Wilderness Canoe Base in WI have had an amazing week! Here is a summary of the past few days of their adventure… There have been…