“Good works are all for the sake of our neighbor. When it comes to God, it’s a different ball game. God does not keep score.” Hear more Good News in Pastor Erin Heidelberger’s…
The First Lutheran Cupids have struck the homes and hearts of members!
The love was flowing at yesterday’s gathering of youth, ages 4 through high school, as they decorated Valentine’s bags for Tabitha Meals on Wheels recipients. Did you know that 85% of recipients would…
Mark your calendar and save the dates of June 26 – 30, from 8:30 am – Noon, for Vacation Bible School at First Lutheran! Operation Restoration: Mending God’s World will inspire 3 year…
Hello! I’m Laura Graulty – the FaithTrek Coordinator at First Lutheran! A few weeks ago, I had a friend ask me if we had Sunday School anymore and I realized a few things:…
Each person is a unique creation of God and, through grace, is a child of God. The people of First Lutheran Church welcome all because God welcomes all, without regard for race or…
The Super Bowl is this Sunday and, in honor of it, we wil host a Souper Bowl of Caring! Bring cans of soup and money for the Lincoln Lutheran Food Pantry to worship…
“How will you be salt and light in the lives of your neighbors this week? Worship has ended. Now the service begins!” Vicar Erick Hill’s weekend sermon on Matthew 5:13-20 will get you…
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Where? Watch as we sing a favorite camp song in worship as if we were singing it at camp!
by Kathleen Simley, Communications Director After months of surgeries, recovery and healing from a hedge trimmer accident in May that severely injured one of my fingers, I finally find myself in an emotional,…