Mark your calendars now for Sunday, October 2, for the First Fall Festival at First Lutheran Church! Our neighborhood and community and YOU are invited to join us for games, a bounce house,…
Enjoy our Adult Choir singing, “By God’s Mercy,” during Sunday’s worship service. It’s awesome to see an even bigger choir this year after two years of COVID-related restrictions! And, how wonderful is…
Our high school youth group enjoyed an evening pool party on Sunday! Thank you, Jay and Linda Sears, for hosting the kids! Our high school youth group meets every Sunday evening at…
Our 3 and 4 year olds and 3rd graders were given their Bibles during worship on Sunday. Take a peek at how the kiddos are using their Bibles during the Sunday morning FaithTrek…
The “Among the Greenery” broadcast made its debut during worship yesterday with Vicar Erick Hill hosting First Lutheran Council President, Fred Ohles, as the first guest! Take a listen to episode #1 –…
Our annual stewardship campaign kicks off this Sunday, September 11. During the coming weeks you will be invited to prayerfully consider what you will give to the ministries of First Lutheran in 2023….
This Sunday will be an exciting and fun day at First Lutheran for youth, ages 4-high school, as it marks the first Sunday of a new learning year! Our new FaithTrek Coordinator, Laura…
Mark your calendars now for Sunday, October 2, for a big day of celebration at First Lutheran! You won’t want to miss it! The day will include: Commitment Sunday, when Synod staff member, Deacon Timothy…
Vicar Erick Hill’s sermon launched everyday disciples into the week with openness, energy and purpose: Where is God at work in this moment? How is God speaking to me right now? What is…
This Sunday’s Noisy Offering will benefit the People’s City Mission in Lincoln. In 2021, the Mission served 27,000+ people, provided 99,000+ meals, gave away more than 1 million household and clothing items, provided…