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Remembering Your Loved Ones on All Saints Sunday

By November 2, 2022News, Worship and Pray

Every Sunday, we are invited to the Lord’s Table with all saints – present and those who reside in heaven. The pastor reads the Preface of Great Thanksgiving in the Communion Liturgy to remind us: “And so, with all the saints on earth and in heaven, and all Your glorious host, we praise Your name and join their unending hymn.”

This Sunday, November 6, on All Saints Sunday, we will celebrate saints of all times, but it also calls us to remember specific individuals. You will be invited to light a candle for your loved ones during worship. You will receive a tea light candle as you enter the Sanctuary and you will place the candle on tables located on both sides of the front of the Sanctuary during the Gathering Hymn. You are also welcomed to bring a picture of your loved ones to be placed on a table in the Gathering Area.

First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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