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Stewardship 2024: What Do You Treasure About First Lutheran?

By September 10, 2023September 13th, 2023Events, News

The guiding verse for this year’s stewardship season is Matthew 6:21: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

What do you treasure about First Lutheran? Is it the community you experience, the sense of belonging and connection you receive here? Is it the meaningful worship and music of our services? The statement of welcome that invites all to be a part of this community? The opportunities to connect to our community through service?

During this season, we take time as a congregation to treasure the work of God in our lives and our congregation. Because of what God has done for us, we pledge our resources, our treasure, to the ongoing work of Christ in the church. We give because of the love we have already experienced through Jesus Christ.

Starting today, 2024 Annual Stewardship packets will begin to be distributed to members. I invite you to think about what you treasure about First Lutheran and about the goodness of God who gives you life and blesses you with all that you have. At the end of our season of stewardship in a few weeks, you will be invited to give back to God for the sake of the Gospel at work in our church and in the world that God so loves.

This is your invitation to support our church family in two ways:

First, we are inviting you to commit your time and involvement in the ministry of First Lutheran. Try a new ministry or sign up for something you’ve always been curious about. Your participation in these ministries will grow your connection to First Lutheran and will be life-giving for you.

Second, we invite you to pray about your financial giving. If you are newer to First Lutheran, please consider being a part of the fiscal health of this faith community by making a pledge to give in 2024. If you have been giving to First Lutheran for many years, please consider stepping up to an increased level of support. All ministry here is made possible because of your generosity.

We know that you could donate money to any number of institutions doing good work in the world. But the church is the one place where the treasure of the Gospel love of Jesus Christ is shared with a world that needs to hear it and experience it. Connect with us. Give of your time. Be generous financially. God continues to call First Lutheran into much joyful ministry. Come be a part of what God is doing! Your support makes sure that the Good News of love and grace offered freely through Jesus Christ can spread and grow in our lives and in our world.

Mark your calendars now for Sunday, October 1, which will be a big day of celebration! We will not hold the Saturday worship service on September 30 and instead invite all to attend together on Sunday, a day that will include:

  • Commitment Sunday, when Nebraska Synod Bishop Scott Johnson will be our guest preacher, and we will complete pledges of giving and discipleship for the coming year.
  • First Lutheran Fall Festival from Noon-3:00 pm! We will invite our neighborhood and community to join us for fun, food trucks, a chili cook-off, live music, games, a blessing of the animals, and more!

Over the next few weeks, you’ll hear from a few of your church family about what they treasure about First Lutheran. But I’d love to hear from you, too, so I invite you to share with me personally—in the greeting line after church, by email or phone call—what is it that you treasure about First Lutheran? I can’t wait to hear from you!

Yours in Christ,

Erin Heidelberger
Lead Pastor

P.S. You are encouraged to visit to complete your online 2024 Discipleship Plan and pledge card and when you do, know that it is appreciated and will be treasured!

First Lutheran

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Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

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1551 South 70th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

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