Update on Tuesday’s Accompaniment in Milwaukee: “Yesterday our work group went to the Salvation Army. We bagged food for kids and then we saw the trucks delivering it all to the kids….
Our middle schoolers continue to learn, serve, pray and fellowship with each other and their new friends in Milwaukee. Here’s a recap of Monday’s activities from youth participant, Cora Hoeft: We worked…
Safe travels to our middle school youth and adult advisors who leave today for a week of accompaniment in Milwaukee, WI. They will be partnering with YouthWorks who has been serving in the…
At Sunday’s intergenerational gathering members got to know each other better with a conversational beach ball that had questions written on it to be answered. But, the highlight of the gathering was learning…
This summer our high school youth will be traveling to Flathead Bible Camp in Kalispell, MT, where they will do a custom adventure trip. The adventure will begin on Sunday, July 23, with…
At this month’s intergenerational gathering, the youth and adults started the event with a Palm Sunday parade. They then broke bread at the Last Supper, went to the garden and prayed for the…
Last Sunday, during the middle and high school learning hour, our youth related the Gospel reading with the war in Ukraine and their own confession and forgiveness stories. The youth wrote with pencil…
Carol Joy Holling offers summer camping experiences for all ages, including grandparents. Yes, that’s right! Grand Camp invites grandparents and grandkids who have finished kindergarten through 6th grade for 3 days and 2…
Come explore the season of Lent at our intergenerational gathering on Sunday at 9:30 am. Why do we put ashes on our foreheads? How long is Lent? Do I really need to give…
All ages are invited to the intergenerational gathering this Sunday in the Activity Center from 9:30-10:30 am! Come and hear stories of God’s love and where you see his love in your life….