When the ELCA’s 2022 Youth Gathering in Minneapolis was cancelled due to COVID uncertainties, a fresh opportunity opened up for high schoolers and adults from our congregation. Saturday is the departure day for…
Today’s update on our middle school accompaniment time in Milwaukee: “Thursday brought more work in the gardens – weeding and mulching – and we had the help of a mouse, too!” (Emily Seebohm,…
Here is Wednesday’s recap of the middle school accompaniment in Milwaukee from youth participant, Owen Paulsen: “We had a successful, but tiring day. We started by stocking shelves at Project Concern, a local…
Update on Tuesday’s Accompaniment in Milwaukee: “Yesterday our work group went to the Salvation Army. We bagged food for kids and then we saw the trucks delivering it all to the kids….
Our middle schoolers continue to learn, serve, pray and fellowship with each other and their new friends in Milwaukee. Here’s a recap of Monday’s activities from youth participant, Cora Hoeft: We worked…
Safe travels to our middle school youth and adult advisors who leave today for a week of accompaniment in Milwaukee, WI. They will be partnering with YouthWorks who has been serving in the…
Great summer Bible Study pick, Pastor Suzanne! Making Sense of Scripture, by David J. Lose, is engaging—written like a folksy conversation. Reviewer, Mark Allan Powell, says it’s “for everyone who’s serious or simply…
Vacation Bible School Day 5 was a hoppin’ place! Jet the Jack Rabbit’s hint that “God surprises us,” was a heads-up for a morning of the unexpected: -Who knew we could get wet…
Take a peek at Vacation Bible School Day 4: -Flowers added to prickly pear cactus plants represent God sightings.The desert is in bloom! -Check out the baby quails. Our youngest VBS students are—you…
Welcome to Day 3 of “Monumental” Vacation Bible School. You’re right—there was a pharaoh involved. See those boomwhackers? What could have been chaos with no one in control actually morphed into the melody…