God is omnipresent! That’s the big idea brought to you with joy by Vacation Bible School students and volunteers on Day 2. Check out the hands-on ways that everybody learned and served today….
It was “Monumental—Celebrating God’s Greatness” at Vacation Bible School today! Our buddy Harley the Gila Monster’s message was that God loves us, no matter what. We learned a lot about Harley’s natural environment,…
At Sunday’s intergenerational gathering members got to know each other better with a conversational beach ball that had questions written on it to be answered. But, the highlight of the gathering was learning…
This summer our high school youth will be traveling to Flathead Bible Camp in Kalispell, MT, where they will do a custom adventure trip. The adventure will begin on Sunday, July 23, with…
Online registration is now open for Vacation Bible School 2022 planned for Monday, June 20-Friday, June 24, from 8:30 am-Noon. Any child, ages 3 through 5th grade, is invited to join in…
At this month’s intergenerational gathering, the youth and adults started the event with a Palm Sunday parade. They then broke bread at the Last Supper, went to the garden and prayed for the…
This Sunday’s Adult Forum will feature Patrick Hayden-Roy and Judy Batterman sharing stories and information about the life and ministry of First Lutheran before moving to its present location at 70th & A….
Last Sunday, during the middle and high school learning hour, our youth related the Gospel reading with the war in Ukraine and their own confession and forgiveness stories. The youth wrote with pencil…
Any young person interested in taking Communion for the first time should attend our First Communion class, along with a parent, on Saturday, April 9, at 9:00 am. We will celebrate First Communion…
Carol Joy Holling offers summer camping experiences for all ages, including grandparents. Yes, that’s right! Grand Camp invites grandparents and grandkids who have finished kindergarten through 6th grade for 3 days and 2…