Adult Forum will launch its first online session this Sunday at 9:30 am. First Lutheran Communications Coordinator, Kathleen Simley, will show attendees the ins and outs of using Zoom to socially connect with…
Are you looking for activities to do this summer from your backyard? We are offering Backyard Safari: Exploring God’s World, by Pastor David L. Hall, with our own supplements and twists. The exploration…
Plans are being made to offer an online Adult Forum session at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings. The frequency of sessions is still yet to be determined. The sessions will feature a presenter,…
Take a moment and watch the tribute to our FaithTrek Guides who prayed, listened, taught, played, loved and cared for our kiddos this past school year. Blessed are the teachers…
Here is a list of free resources for all ages and families. Please check out the links if you are looking for additional faith formation ideas and activities you can do in your…
Hear how a 4th grade FaithTrek student fights a good fight for other students in his school and how he and his brother are encouraged to do so every day by their parents….
Listen to First Lutheran member, Karen Statham, share her personal experience of visiting FaithTrek classrooms in February to talk about their word of the month – FIGHT.
Mark your calendar! Join us for an exciting week of “Who is my Neighbor?” Vacation Bible School June 8-12! There will be a morning session (includes lunch) from 9:00 am-Noon and an evening…
As we move in to the season of Lent we are reminded to LISTEN. Our FaithTrek kids will be practicing their listening skills as they study God’s Word, share their own stories and…
Sundays at 9:30-10:25 am in the Chapel March 1 – Gotta Be Me – Tiffiny Clifton, Executive Director. What is radical inclusivity? Learn how we all can and do contribute to being included…