Strengths-Based Grief is an approach to loss and transition that helps people survive and thrive in their season of grief. Join us Thursday, November 21, 6:30 – 9:00 pm as Rosanne Liesveld, strengths…
When the 7th and 8th grade youth, their parents and the other adults participating in Confirmation, gathered for Dinner+Learning a few weeks ago they began unpacking the question, “Who is God?” They started…
Our 9th graders prepared for their Affirmation of Baptism at this past weekend’s retreat at Camp Carol Joy Holling. They enjoyed community building activities, made stoles they will wear for their Affirmation, went…
Sundays; 9:30 am in the Chapel October 6 – Food Bank and BackPack Program Update – Kathy Dickey, First Lutheran member, and John Mabry, Lincoln Food Bank. Get an update on Lincoln Food…
Join the middle and high school youth this Sunday, September 22, from 9:30-10:30 am in the Chapel as they teach us what accompaniment is, based on their personal accompaniment experiences in Puerto Rico…
Our learning hour for kids on Sunday mornings encourages curiosity, mutual respect, relationship building, questions, dialogue, care and compassion, fun and lots of smiles! We welcome any child, age 3-12th grade, to join…
Terri Effle works as a Prevention Specialist with the Region V Systems. She will share some great resources for parents and adults on all kinds of risky behaviors – how to talk to…
Disciples learn… Come to a Bible Study on Tuesdays at 5:45 pm or Wednesdays at 10:45 am. A women’s Bible Study is held on the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 am….
Who is a disciple? How can you or others be a disciple? Is being a disciple easy? How old do you have to be to be a disciple? Hear what four of our…
As disciples of Jesus, who recognize and respond to our call to transform the world for the sake of the gospel, we are lifelong learners. We recognize we all come into this learning…