Sundays at 9:30-10:25 am in the Chapel February 3 – The Church Has Your Back: Guardian Angel Program – Pastor Justin Eller. Learn why the ELCA Guardian Angel Program is in the courtroom…
Save the date! “God’s Good Creation” Vacation Bible School is coming June 17-21 from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Preschool age will gather each day from 9:00 am-Noon. More information will be coming soon or…
Lutheran Marriage Encounter has been hosting weekend retreats for 50 years, enriching thousands of marriages. These couples have had the opportunity to renew not only their relationship with each other, but also with…
Some of our 2nd graders had fun with their Epiphany lesson in FaithTrek by dressing up as characters in the Epiphany story for their “photo booth”!
by Clara Higgins; First Member and Student at Augsburg University This past semester, I spent 100 days on the Mississippi River as a part of the Augsburg University River Semester with 15 other…
Sundays at 9:30-10:25 am in the Chapel January 6 – The book, The Omaha Language and the Omaha Way; Aubrey Streit Krug, First Lutheran member, and Loren Frerichs. Loren and several co-authors from…
First Lutheran is offering a Hopeful Grieving Support Class, facilitated by Judy Bailey and Pastor Justin. Class will meet Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm, January 9 through February 13. Please call the church…
Look at the shared joy when an english language learner and their mentor meet on Sunday mornings for an hour of English language lessons. Interested in adding joy to your life in 2019?…
God chose and transformed Mary. God chose and transformed Joseph. God chose and transformed the shepherds. God chose and transformed the wisemen. God chose you. How has he transformed you? Watch the clip…
Sundays at 9:30-10:25 am in the Chapel December 2 – Hope in the Middle East? – Slate Mathes, Pastor Megan Morrow and Pastor Mary Jensen offer a broader understanding of the power struggles…