If you have gifts of encouragement and listening, prayerfully consider an invitation to be part of this one-to-one caring ministry. To see how this ministry has impacted our lives, come and visit with…
Through a program sponsored by the Nebraska Synod, First Lutheran has been matched with a congregation recovering from flood damage. We are now a Prayer Partner with Faith United Parish of Niobrara. Faith…
During July we will collect items for Bridges To Hope, an ELCA ministry assisting men and women being released from incarceration. Learn more at www.bridgestohopene.org. Watch for the Bridges blue barrel in the…
A big thanks for all your tangible donations for flood victims. We will see that items are shared with those in need. Relief workers report they are flooded with donations, some are just…
We are horrified by the destruction caused by flood waters that we see on television every night. Our brothers and sisters in Nebraska and Iowa need our help and assistance. At First Lutheran…
At First Lutheran we care for our sisters and brothers with a meal in times of need. Our Casserole Care-a-Van volunteers deliver a meal to a family or individual recovering from illness or…
Some of our high school youth baked cookies for the Matt Talbot Outreach Kitchen… 300 cookies in 2 hours! And they even had time for games!
Tonight First Lutheran Church will be honored by Lutheran Family Services (LFS) as the “Community Partner of the Year.” We are surprised and humbled by this award. It recognizes our partnership with LFS…
Have you completed your personal discipleship plan yet for 2019? Even though Stewardship Sunday came and went this past weekend, it’s never too late to think about how you can grow your discipleship…
Lutheran Family Services (LFS) welcomes new Americans by helping them secure a place to live, find a job, enroll in language classes and negotiate the medical and legal systems. We can also help…