Our online sign-up for worship assistants in June is now live. We welcome all ages, as well as individuals, couples and families! Every worship role is important and helps our worship services to…
Our children’s choirs celebrated the end of the year with medals, playtime and lots of fun at Roberts Park! There was much to celebrate as the kids shared their gift of music during…
Our Outdoor Nature Classroom is an important learning space for our Dimensions preschool students and our learning ministries at First Lutheran. On Saturday, volunteers from First Lutheran, along with staff from Dimensions, worked…
One exciting new ministry of First Lutheran is a partnership with Lutheran Family Services (LFS) to provide behavioral health services via TeleHealth. Through a new program made possible by a Cares Act grant,…
Spring is here and that means it’s time for an outdoor clean-up day at church! There is much to do as our Preschool Outdoor Classroom has gotten lots of use this year and…
Our diaper and baby wipes drive for the Center for People in Need will wrap up on Friday. If you haven’t yet and are able to donate, please do! Bring your items to…
We are working to form a team that consists of members with varying skills, experience and passions to support our communication ministry. We are seeking individuals with interest and abilities in writing, photography,…
Some of our FaithTrek kids and families gathered on Sunday to learn how to serve as worship assistants in various roles. They are so excited and eager to serve! Look for some of…
Thank you to everyone who donated blood during Sunday’s Red Cross Blood Drive. We were able to donate 14 pints of blood! One pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. Your…
First Lutheran Church sponsored two tables at Saturday evening’s “The Heart of Camp” Gala fundraising event for Carol Joy Holling. We had two girls who will be campers this summer, and their parents,…