An estimated 18,740 children, age 18 and younger, who live in Southeast Nebraska are considered food insecure. Together, let’s work to end hunger with our Souper Bowl of Caring. Bring your chunky soups and…
Every Wednesday evening from 7:10-8:00 pm during the school year our Adult Choir meets for rehearsals. They also sing at worship two Sundays a month. We are thankful they each share their time…
Food is hope. Food is confidence. Food is health and well-being. Food is peace of mind. From infants to seniors, from individuals to families, no man, woman or child in our community should…
Hunger affects communities all across the country – rural, urban, and suburban. In the Food Bank of Lincoln’s 16-county service area, an estimated 57,960 people, including 18,740 children, face food insecurity. You can…
OpeN Shelf is a University of Nebraska-Lincoln initiative, administered by The Lutheran Center, to help students in need. Limited resources may deny students the ability to consistently purchase their own personal care and…
Our annual Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive will kick off Saturday, January 4, and conclude on Super Bowl Sunday. Here are the food pairings for each week: January 4-10: Canned Vegetables vs….
Just had hip surgery and need a ride to physical therapy or transportation to your next doctor appointment? Finding alternative transportation in Lincoln can be difficult. Services are limited and often expensive and…
Our Gifts of Hope alternative market is a way to give a gift that keeps on giving. Just one small gift can have a huge impact in the lives of others locally,…
The word of the month for FaithTrek during the month of November was CARE. The kids (ages 3-5th grade) learned what it means to care for another person and all the ways you…
The FaithTrek 2nd and 3rd graders helped us with the book drive for Reading Matters, a program of the Lincoln Housing Authority. We all agreed having books of our own was important to us…