Gospel Truth: Nobody really has it all together. God loves you. Period. Listen to this truth in Pastor Erin’s sermon at https://vimeo.com/763465340.
We don’t know her name, but one woman’s relentless cry for justice and Jesus’ response to situations like hers echo across the centuries to challenge us today. Take a moment and listen to…
We are blessed to have so many young people share their musical talents during worship. To God be the glory!
Lord God, we thank and praise you for your goodness and mercy to us and all creation. Though you transcend the boundaries of space and time, you are willing to make your home…
“Know Your Bible Verse!” made its debut on Sunday during worship – a game that tests your Bible knowledge!! Watch and see who won the first competition between Pastor Erin and Sharon Hardel!…
Let this jazzy version of “Lord, Listen to the Children Praying”, played by our Youth Trio, jazz you up for another new week!
Four talented pianists at First Lutheran combine hands to perform a beautiful quartet piece during Sunday’s worship called, Sicilienne.
Enjoy our Adult Choir singing, “By God’s Mercy,” during Sunday’s worship service. It’s awesome to see an even bigger choir this year after two years of COVID-related restrictions! And, how wonderful is…
Vicar Erick Hill’s sermon launched everyday disciples into the week with openness, energy and purpose: Where is God at work in this moment? How is God speaking to me right now? What is…
You can take in Sunday’s sermon message by visiting https://vimeo.com/744599745.