The congregation is invited to a Baccalaureate worship service in the Chapel, followed by a pie reception, this Sunday, May 19, at 7:00 pm. We will be honoring our 2019 graduating high school…
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see…By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen…
Our first worship service in the Activity Center is in the books! It was filled with blessings, music, prayer, readings, communion, the sharing of the peace and lots of friendly smiles! Thank you…
A race car driver was once asked how he avoided wrecks. He said that if you’re looking down to the next turn as much as you’re looking at what’s right in front of…
Thank you to our two brass ensembles who enhanced the “Hallelujah!” of our Easter worship services! After filling the house at two earlier services, this 11:00 am service concluded the final worship service…
Our regular 5:30 pm Saturday worship service will be filled with anticipation of the Easter resurrection! The Easter Vigil will begin at 6:00 am on Easter Sunday in the darkness of our…
Our Good Friday brief noon worship service, “Litany of the Cross,” will move around the Sanctuary as though we were walking with Christ through the Stations of the Cross. This same journey will…
Our Maundy Thursday worship at Noon and 7:00 pm will recall the events of Jesus’ last evening with his disciples. The services will end with the stripping of the altar.
Read the Passion of Our Lord according to Luke. Reflect: Most stories are crafted so readers identify with the main character. But in the Passion Story, as much as we don’t like it,…
by Patrick Hayden Roy For me, the cross is what binds my faith. Though in Easter we will celebrate the resurrection, the tangible frame for our Christian faith is Lent and the cross…