Mark your calendars and plan to attend Compassion Camp this summer! Registration information is coming soon!
Bible study groups will begin meeting in person this week – Tuesday, May 4, 5:45 pm and Wednesday, May 5, 10:45 am. Participants will wear mask and social distance. In addition, people will…
Our diaper and baby wipes drive for the Center for People in Need will wrap up on Friday. If you haven’t yet and are able to donate, please do! Bring your items to…
The May edition of The Voice is now available online to read and download. This extended digital version includes a quarterly budget report and information about Compassion Camp, the National 9/11 Exhibit, 150th Anniversary Celebration,…
The Infants and Toddlers at our Dimensions Education Program at First Lutheran have been practicing dumping and filling. It may seem like jots of fun or maybe a big mess. But did you…
We are working to form a team that consists of members with varying skills, experience and passions to support our communication ministry. We are seeking individuals with interest and abilities in writing, photography,…
Our 2020 Gifts of Hope market was a featured article in the April 2021 edition of the Living Lutheran magazine. The market caught the attention of the editor for several reasons: 1) It’s…
Some of our FaithTrek kids and families gathered on Sunday to learn how to serve as worship assistants in various roles. They are so excited and eager to serve! Look for some of…
Thank you to everyone who donated blood during Sunday’s Red Cross Blood Drive. We were able to donate 14 pints of blood! One pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. Your…
First Lutheran Church sponsored two tables at Saturday evening’s “The Heart of Camp” Gala fundraising event for Carol Joy Holling. We had two girls who will be campers this summer, and their parents,…