For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to matter. I was in a constant pursuit of doing whatever it would look like to matter — to someone, to the world, to…
Save the week of July 5-July 9 for Vacation Bible School! As we move towards having more in-person events we will determine the format and timeframe for the week. Look for more information…
No soup before or after Lenten mid-week worship services this year, but the Fellowship Committee is making sure we have dessert! Thank you to the Fellowship Committee for treating worshipers after this week’s…
Did you know there are currently over 1,000 more open calls for full-time pastors in the ELCA than there are pastors to fill those calls? Lutherans believe God’s call to ministry comes from…
It’s time to vote for the name of our new printer! According to the sales rep, it is a female printer. So, we recently asked for suggestions of names on our Facebook…
C.S. Lewis wrote, “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” This lesson took on even greater depth…
On Ash Wednesday we welcomed 119 people into our new Sanctuary for worship for the first time in eleven months! The following day we surveyed all who attended to hear how the worship…
Here are a few of the people who enjoyed Zoom Game Night last Sunday where everyone was a WINNER!
Here are a few photos captured during our Ash Wednesday worship yesterday in our new Sanctuary – our first in-person worship service in 11 months. Praise be to God!
We apologize for the sound not working at the beginning of our livestream worship service on Sunday. Consequently, you were unable to hear our brass ensemble perform, Beautiful Savior, for the prelude. So,…