The CROP Walk committee is in need of pre-walk help with data entry and their web site. The website is up, but needs some sprucing up and help maintaining it with current news….
This week marks three months since the bomb cyclone hit the Midwestern United States with its accompanying blizzards and floods. Earlier this week, a person in Fremont shared with frustration, “Some people think disaster…
Do everything in love. ~1 Corinthians 16:14 Most often, love isn’t rocket science. It can be as simple as greeting someone with a smile or asking the cashier how his day’s…
Summer offers a new opportunity for disciples to continue their learning with family and friends. We’ve designed a summer FaithTrek Summer Kit with tools for your faith-filled summer adventures. You will find storytelling…
Pentecost is regarded as the birthday of the Christian church and the start of the church’s mission to the world. Celebrate this joyful day this Sunday by wearing the color red to worship….
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, is the June book of the month. Join the discussion Monday, June 17, at 6:00 pm at church. Her name was Henrietta Lacks,…
The Lutheran Food Pantry is in need of some strong backs that can help load food from the Lincoln Food Bank and unload it at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church. Our current volunteers are aging…
Adult Forum meets every Sunday in the Chapel from 9:30-10:30 am. June 2 – TedWomen – Michelle Michl, First Lutheran Member. Women the world over are no longer accepting the status quo. Whatever…
Thank you to those who are serving as Prayer Partners to our high school youth as they prepare for their accompaniment trip to Puerto Rico in later June/early July. The youth met with…
The Noisy Offering on Sunday, June 2, will help purchase supplies for Vacation Bible School service projects, such as items for school kits and socks for Matt Talbot. So, gather up your change…