Read the Passion of Our Lord according to Luke. Reflect: Most stories are crafted so readers identify with the main character. But in the Passion Story, as much as we don’t like it,…
Vacation Bible School needs lots of helpers! If you are available to lead children and/or enjoy crafts, music, games, teaching Bible stories, acting, cooking and baking, composting or other…
Our flood relief items were taken to a Salvation Army distribution center in Bellevue. Thanks to all for the sharing. This is a long term relief project. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Relief…
Our Noisy Offering from this past Sunday will be given to the Lutheran Disaster Relief Fund to support flood relief efforts. Thank you to the children, families and everyone who gives and makes…
by Patrick Hayden Roy For me, the cross is what binds my faith. Though in Easter we will celebrate the resurrection, the tangible frame for our Christian faith is Lent and the cross…
Palm Sunday begins the sacred drama of Holy Week. Worship with us at 8:15 or 10:45 am this Sunday as we begin outdoors with a bagpipe and palm procession. During worship you will…
The sacred events of Holy Week are upon us. We begin our annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem to witness the acts of God which make our faith today possible. We move from waving palms…
Tuesday’s Faith Thought… “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you…
Wait” is such a hard word for us to process. No one wants to wait even when you know waiting can bring good news. Such was the case long ago when Jesus was…
Bassist, Andy Hall, and The Ripplers, entertained a full house of jazz enthusiasts at the First Friday Jazz concert on April 5. Andy is a favorite of our followers. Take a listen and…