The Nebraska Wesleyan University Choir will be sharing their musical talent during our worship services this Sunday. The choir has a long history of performances throughout the world and in the United States….
Help us decide if cereal or oatmeal will win this week and if peanut butter will outplay jelly next week in our Souper Bowl of Caring challenge! The competition between cereal and oatmeal…
In honor of Prom 2019, coming on Saturday, February 9, we pay tribute to our first Prom in 2009 – ten years ago! Tickets go on sale for Prom 2019 this Sunday in…
What do four hands, playing together on the same piano keyboard, sound like? Listen to our Music Directors, Masako and Boyd Bacon, play “We Three Kings” and find out!
Seeking the Spirit Within is offering a one-day spiritual retreat for all adults on Saturday, February 2, (9:00 am -4:00 pm), at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Grand Island. The focus will be…
This is what Sunday morning worship at First Lutheran looks and sounds like…there’s always a place saved for you.
Help fight hunger by donating nonperishable foods for the Lutheran Food Pantry during our Souper Bowl of Caring campaign. Each week, starting January 5 through February 1, we will have a challenge between…
The Nebraska Wesleyan Choir will be performing at both services on Sunday, January 13. Contact Masako, at if you can contribute an egg bake, rolls, fresh fruit or other breakfast items to…
by Clara Higgins; First Member and Student at Augsburg University This past semester, I spent 100 days on the Mississippi River as a part of the Augsburg University River Semester with 15 other…
There has been alot of talk in the news recently about putting up a wall to keep people out. But, at First Lutheran, we recently put up a wall that will eventually welcome…