Oh, when the saints, go marching in. Oh, when the saints go marching in. Oh Lord I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in.
Lincoln Bike Kitchen, Tabitha Meals on Wheels, First Lutheran Quilters, Lutheran World Federation-Jerusalem olive oil, Northern Diocese of Tanzania nursing scholarships, Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center, Center for People in Need and Clinic…
Last Sunday we celebrated All Saints Sunday by remembering our loved ones who have gone before us in faith and who now rest from their labors in Jesus Christ.
“We don’t attain sainthood. We are made saints by God’s claim on us—an inheritance that has the power to change our lives! Protected and cared for, we walk alongside the saints of all…
Who said that serving as a worship assistant on Sundays can’t be fun? Greeters, ushers, communion assistants, readers, Bible Bearers, communion presenters, acolytes and crucifers are important roles that make our worship experience…
After a three year break due to the pandemic, our Advent Soup Lunch & Dinner and Thanksgiving Day Dinner are back! Our Fellowship Committee will be serving soup following Wednesday Advent worship at…
For the last four years, First Lutheran members have stepped up to the Thrivent 500 Can Challenge by donating 500 and more nonperishable food items for the Lutheran Food Pantry. We are once…
Every Sunday, we are invited to the Lord’s Table with all saints – present and those who reside in heaven. The pastor reads the Preface of Great Thanksgiving in the Communion Liturgy to…
The Ed Love Combo and jazz vocalist, Jackie Allen, will be featured at First Friday Jazz at First Lutheran on November 4. Ed, on saxophone and clarinet, will be joined by Tom Harvill…
Re-form us, loving God! On Reformation Day- Affirmation of Baptism Sunday, Vicar Erick reflected on God’s boundless grace. You can listen and watch Vicar Erick’s sermom online.