Tuesday’s Faith Thought… Take the advice from this mother and daughter who celebrated their birthdays on January 1 and January 2 with this motto for the next year…
Join us for “Love First” Prom! Come for a delicious dinner and night of dancing on Saturday, February 9, at 6:15 pm in the Activity Center. A pork loin dinner with vegetables, mashed…
First Lutheran was blessed to be the last stop on the winter concert tour of the Nebraska Wesleyan University Choir. Their musical contribution to our worship today was inspiring – to say the…
Some of our 2nd graders had fun with their Epiphany lesson in FaithTrek by dressing up as characters in the Epiphany story for their “photo booth”!
The Mourning Hope Grief Center welcomes Dr. Alan Wolfelt to Lincoln on February 19 and 20. Dr. Wolfelt is Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition in Fort Collins, Colorado, and…
There will be two question and answer sessions on Sunday, January 13, and Sunday, January 20, at 9:30 am in the Activity Center to address any concerns or questions you may have prior…
The Nebraska Wesleyan University Choir will be sharing their musical talent during our worship services this Sunday. The choir has a long history of performances throughout the world and in the United States….
Help us decide if cereal or oatmeal will win this week and if peanut butter will outplay jelly next week in our Souper Bowl of Caring challenge! The competition between cereal and oatmeal…
In honor of Prom 2019, coming on Saturday, February 9, we pay tribute to our first Prom in 2009 – ten years ago! Tickets go on sale for Prom 2019 this Sunday in…
What do four hands, playing together on the same piano keyboard, sound like? Listen to our Music Directors, Masako and Boyd Bacon, play “We Three Kings” and find out!