Guess what? We collected 1,104 non-perishable food items for the Thrivent 500 Can Challenge – more than double the amount we were challenged to! What does this mean? It means the Lincoln…
The Gifts of Hope Alternative Online Market will open at 8:00 am on Saturday, December 3, and close at 10:00 pm on Sunday, December 4. Before the market opens take some time…
“It’s humbling to think when you deliver a meal that it might be the only human contact a person will experience that day.” ~ Robin Westhoff (Pictured alongside First Lutheran member, Cindy…
What if your holiday shopping made the world a better place? At First Lutheran’s Gifts of Hope Alternative Giving Market that’s exactly what happens. 100% of each purchase funds the work…
When First Lutheran member Christian heard that supplies were urgently needed for 28 rescue dogs he got to work! His Sunday morning display invited people to drop off clean used blankets and towels,…
Our confirmation students recently decorated bags with inspiring messages for our Meals on Wheels recipients and will be accompanying some of our members on their route to deliver a hot meal in the…
Magic happens at 1631 S. 1st Street where volunteer mechanics refurbish donated bikes year-round and offer education and free repair nights to the community. Lincoln Bike Kitchen is best known for providing bikes…
Oh, when the saints, go marching in. Oh, when the saints go marching in. Oh Lord I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in.
Lincoln Bike Kitchen, Tabitha Meals on Wheels, First Lutheran Quilters, Lutheran World Federation-Jerusalem olive oil, Northern Diocese of Tanzania nursing scholarships, Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center, Center for People in Need and Clinic…
Who said that serving as a worship assistant on Sundays can’t be fun? Greeters, ushers, communion assistants, readers, Bible Bearers, communion presenters, acolytes and crucifers are important roles that make our worship experience…