Since our early days, music has been a cornerstone of our church’s identity. Sunday’s anniversary worship services involved over 85 member musicians and singers – young and old! The music featured the children’s…
First Lutheran’s Spirit Ringers offer beautiful music to begin worship.
Having survived COVID 19, the world now faces a greater threat…that of war! Specifically, our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are in the midst of unspeakable atrocities. At this time in our history, we…
Between Lenten, Holy Week and regular Sunday services during the month of April, we are in need of many volunteer worship assistants. Will you and/or your family consider serving? There are jobs for…
Everyone has a story from the past two years of living through a pandemic. Perhaps the story is about loss, isolation, loneliness, solitude, change or grief. The story could even be about acquiring…
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not…
A few of our youth and parents took a break from spring break and served a meal at Matt Talbot Kitchen Sunday evening. Thank you for serving as disciples!
My Story. Our Story. God’s Story. is pretty exciting, actually! My Story. Our Story. God’s Story. is a member-initiated outreach designed to provide a space for sharing the ups and downs, challenges, losses,…
During March we will collect items (see below) to support CenterPointe which provides over 35 programs for our neighbors dealing with mental health and substance abuse issues. Let’s help them along their path…