The Nebraska Wesleyan Choir will be performing at both services on Sunday, January 13. Contact Masako, at if you can contribute an egg bake, rolls, fresh fruit or other breakfast items to…
There has been alot of talk in the news recently about putting up a wall to keep people out. But, at First Lutheran, we recently put up a wall that will eventually welcome…
God chose and transformed Mary. God chose and transformed Joseph. God chose and transformed the shepherds. God chose and transformed the wisemen. God chose you. How has he transformed you? Watch the clip…
It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, we welcome and can use your help as an assistant during worship. There are varied opportunities every Sunday to serve. We are especially in…
Live into our Advent Theme: Until All Are Fed with a “Pig Bank.” Just $30 can provide a piglet to a family in need. When the piglet grows up, it will give birth…
Thank you to all that supported the 2018 Gifts of Hope alternative market and giving a gift that will keep on giving! If you missed the December 1-2 event, there are gift giving…
by Annette Watts There have been many examples of thoughtfulness in our lives over the years. Many were everyday small acts of kindness, but they touched the life of another in some way. As…
First Lutheran member, Jan Christensen, has donated some of her photographs to be sold at the Gifts of Hope market by the middle and high school youth going on accompaniment trips next summer….
Our South Sudanese American friends worry about friends and family in South Sudan who are in desperate need of food and medical care. Through a new partnership with the ELCA, you can feed…
Some of our high school youth baked cookies for the Matt Talbot Outreach Kitchen… 300 cookies in 2 hours! And they even had time for games!