I heard the clank of the crash before the clamor of her wail. Following the of sobs to my daughter’s bedroom, I found her sitting in a spray of tiny plastic bricks. “My…
Tuesday’s Faith Thought… “For I, the LORD, do not change …” Malachi 3:6a (NASB) Change is hard. Sometimes it is painful. But whether we like it or not, the living of this life…
“Including the Rite for Holy Communion following the worship service is very meaningful. Thank you for adapting the service for shut-ins and for everyone to use during this time of the pandemic. The…
Dear First Lutheran Church, Peace of the Lord be with you! As we have now worshiped virtually from our homes for more than a month, we are mindful of some of the blessings…
After being covered and protected from dust and debris for over a year, the pipe organ has been unveiled, is in amazing condition and ready to fill the Sanctuary with praise and song!…
O Lord, in the turbulence and the loneliness of my living from day to day and night to night, keep me in touch with my roots, so that I will remember where I…
Consider the early church and how those communities of disciples worshiped, prayed, learned and served others in need. They worshiped as very small communities, sometimes as only families and neighbors in small gatherings…
Engaging with Scripture: 1. Open with a prayer asking for God´s Spirit to be with you during this time of study and bless your conversation. 2. Consider different ways of entering and engaging the scriptural text. You…
With social gatherings restricted until May 6, we will continue to offer worship services online for you to watch and engage in. The services will be pre-recorded and available for you to watch…
Here is a list of free resources for all ages and families. Please check out the links if you are looking for additional faith formation ideas and activities you can do in your…