Do you like to color? If so, would you be willing to help get our backpack tags ready for our Backpack Blessing on August 17 and 18? We are looking for volunteers to…
During July we will collect items for Bridges To Hope, an ELCA ministry assisting men and women being released from incarceration. Learn more at Watch for the Bridges blue barrel in the…
Last week was amazing at “God’s Good Creation” Vacation Bible School! There was storytelling, games, crafts, music and lots of serving. Here’s what 40 young disciples accomplished in five short days: Served 386…
For I, the Lord your God, hold our right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” ~ Isaiah 41:13 Your life is already…
Do you still have your Star Gift for 2019? In worship Epiphany weekend, Sunni talked about gifts and everyone was invited to take a Star Gift out of a basket as they left…
Almost nine months have passed since we challenged each other to commit to a plan of discipleship for 2019. If you completed a discipleship plan for yourself, are you on track with it?…
Join us at Roberts Park at 56th & A with your family and extended church family this Sunday, June 23. We will begin with lunch at noon and…
God’s work through First Lutheran goes on all summer long. Your gifts are needed to continue the ministry. Please remember to drop off your pledged offering before you leave or you can give…
In both the Tuesday (5:45 pm) and Wednesday (10:45 am) Bible studies, we are journeying through the minor prophets of the Old Testament from Hosea to Malachi. The pace moves faster due to…
We are all moved into our new kitchen! And, doesn’t it look just fabulous? Thank you to everyone who helped with the move and to everyone for your patience during the remodel! ;