How did some of our kids spend their day off from school yesterday? Spoiler: It wasn’t just lounging around in PJs! They kicked things off with a cool MLK Jr. learning session,…
“God has given each of us a light to shine, and we do no good by hiding it. We also need to avoid overshadowing others,” shared Bishop Scott Johnson at the SHINE: Leadership…
Last Sunday’s learning hour at First was alive with the joyful sounds of Orff instruments! Our little ones were singing “Jesus Loves Me” in sign language, while our middle and high school students…
by Laura Graulty, FaithTrek Coordinator I had a conversation recently with a cherub as to why we don’t call Sunday morning learning time “Sunday School” anymore. Do you know the reason? …
Join us for a compelling 5-week discussion group diving into “God After Deconstruction,” a video course crafted by Trip Fuller and Thomas Jay Oord. This course invites us to embrace uncertainty, delve into…
The “Race to 100” game created stress, annoyance, competitiveness, energy and a sense of being rushed with our students and parents at last week’s Discipleship University (confirmation). A discussion about the pace of…
Our “Traveling With the Wisemen” God’s Work Our Hands Mini Cross Generational Vacation Bible School on January 2 and 3 offers you and your family time to be in community with other First…
Our middle and high school youth worshiped at the Lutheran Center on the UNL campus on Sunday. After worship they made a baked potato bar for them and the UNL students to enjoy,…
Affirmation of Baptism is a special rite in our church to celebrate and affirm the on-going work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of disciples that began in their baptism. In baptism,…
Our 9th graders are preparing for their Affirmation of Baptism on October 29 with a rehearsal, stole making and highlighting their favorite verses in their Bibles!