Lutheran Disaster Response is working with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires in Maui and providing for their immediate needs and recovery. Lutheran…
Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2, NRSV) Caring for others in need is part of our DNA as a congregation. It…
The First Lutheran Secret Porch Droppers have struck again! This time they have dropped sparklers on members’ porches to let them know that their sparkle and shine make a difference at First! Happy…
In our hearts, we all know that death is a part of life. But, the loss of a loved one is one of life’s most stressful events. After the death of someone you…
Our quilters at First Lutheran have made two quilts featuring artwork by some of our youth from years past! Do any of our alumni youth out there recognize quilt squares with their…
Starting this Sunday, April 30, through Sunday, May 21, First Lutheran is holding a diaper and baby wipe drive for The Center for People in Need. Why is the drive important? Diapers are…
Your Noisy Offering on Sunday will help Lutheran World Relief (LWR) continue to care for and assist families affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye (Turkey). LWR is delivering aid and support to children,…
The three related Afghan families, sponsored by First Lutheran Church, continue to live and thrive in Lincoln. The men are currently working at Lincoln Industries or Kawasaki and a few are taking English…
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! Our Confirmation students joined a Boy Scout troop on Wednesday evening and showed kindness and care at Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach. They served dinner…
The First Lutheran Cupids have struck the homes and hearts of members!