Looking for an important volunteer opportunity but don’t have a lot of extra time? Please consider joining First Lutheran’s Backpack Team. It only takes about 15 minutes on a Friday afternoon and you can…
Thank you for your generous gift of $2000. We are extremely grateful for your generosity, especially during these unprecendented and difficult times. We appreciate that you care enough to support our mission and…
Sleeping in the outdoors in the cool temperatures, living among the wildlife, beautiful views, worshiping together, white water rafting and play time…our high school youth and adult guides are enjoying God’s corner of…
Prayers for a wonderful week go out to our 17 high school youth and 6 adult guides who are experiencing God’s great outdoors at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp in the Rocky Mountains of…
When the ELCA’s 2022 Youth Gathering in Minneapolis was cancelled due to COVID uncertainties, a fresh opportunity opened up for high schoolers and adults from our congregation. Saturday is the departure day for…
First Lutheran is seeking a part-time temporary coordinator of 2022 FaithTrek experiences for 3 year olds-5th graders. Qualifications for this 20-25 hour/month position include a Bachelor’s degree and previous work experience in education,…
The memorial garden at First Lutheran is the perfect place for reflection, prayer, solitude or simply sitting in God’s beauty.
Maybe it’s your steady hands that pour wine into tiny glasses during Communion or your sincere smile that puts newcomers at ease at the church door. Perhaps you’ve found that reading God’s word aloud…
Today’s update on our middle school accompaniment time in Milwaukee: “Thursday brought more work in the gardens – weeding and mulching – and we had the help of a mouse, too!” (Emily Seebohm,…